The 2005 Nickel series, part of the Westward Journey Nickel Series, commemorates the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. These nickels feature unique designs, making them appealing to collectors. However, specific errors in these coins can make them even more valuable. This article will explore the rare 2005 nickel errors worth money. 2005 Nickel…
Category: Nickels
2005 Buffalo Nickel: Value Guide & Facts
The 2005 Buffalo Nickel, also known as the American Bison Nickel, is part of the Westward Journey Nickel Series. This series was initiated by the United States Mint to commemorate the bicentennials of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark expedition. The 2005 design was the third in the series, following the 2004 Peace…
How to Start Kids Collecting Jefferson Nickels for Under $10.00
Collecting Jefferson nickels is an engaging and educational hobby for children. It allows them to learn about history, geography, and economics. Starting a collection doesn’t need to be expensive. With a budget under $10.00, you can quickly help a child begin their journey into coin collecting. This guide will outline the steps to affordably start…